My husband doesn't understand what racism is and why it's bad?????? WTFFF

My husband has been watching a lot of racist memes and reels on social media and it's really bothering and angering me. Him and his friend who have a history of brain rot-phone rot have recetly been sharing vulgar, violent, gory, and racist jokes on their Instagram. I remember that this was an issue when we first started talking and I didn't like it so they both stopped but now they're at it again after years and years. Yesterday he was laughing at something and when I saw what he was laughing at, I literally tore the man apart and made him sleep on the couch.

I don't even want to begin to say what it was but he was laughing at a reel that his friend sent about people from my country being decapitated and the reel had a "funny" song making light of people in my coutry being decapitated. My husband and his friend are also from another country (not mine) that is usually made fun of a lot so I am confused as to why they are racist towards other countries. I thought that they'd have empathy since they know what it's like to be discriminated against.

I noticed that my husband and his family also talk so much about skin color and they're always highlighting how light my skin is and praise me for it and this makes me extremely uncomfortable. When I had my daughter she looked nothing like me. She had dark skin and thick curly hair- she was nothing like me and my husband and his family forceully wanted to believe and kept saying that she had light skin and straight hair like me. This made me so angry! My mother in law even made a book about my daughter and the little girl in the book was WHITE!!!! with brown straight hair like me!!! My daughter looks nothing like me and she does not have those features. I felt very uncomfortable about this.

Also over the weekend, my husband had posted a picture of him hanging out with one of my guy friends and the next day, his sister texted me and him in the groupchat asking her brother why he was hanging out with that guy if he was "ugly?" WTFFF is up with this sense of entitlement. I tore her up and her mom up to for not saying anything and I left the groupchat and I blocked them on my instagram.

You'd think that people of color and humble countries would be empathetic and love humanity but no they are racist. I tore my husband apart yesterday about his racist entertainment and he said he doesnt understand because it's dark humor and I told him "no, I have dark humor, You do not! You are just evil and pathetic!" How do I make him understand that racism is not a joke!!!

He thinks that he can talk shit about people he doens't even know just because sometimes we make light stereotypical comments like everyone else in the world but supposedly he's getting it mixed up. He saying he doesn't understnad the difference between stereotypical jokes that comedians make vs the shit hes taking in on social media??? How do I go about this??? I tore him apart but I don't think me yelling at him and cussing him out is going to help him understand jack squat.