Looking like he just made the most important speech of his career and is now gazing out into the sea of supporters
Public intoxication, money laundering, battery on a policie officer, unlawful imprisonment, domestic violence, bribery, wire fraud, child abandonment, perjury, vandalism and telemarketing fraud (in order)
I’m not sure how to act around trans men and women.
i hope you all get the treatment you need to be happy
"Interdimensional Politician" by Pierre Rechatin (SugaryAshes)
My interpretetion of Anxiety. How do you feel when you're anxious?
Iowa and 16 other states are suing the fed to repeal Section 504, an important law that mandates accessibility in schools, hospitals, and other places. If you live in Iowa, call your attorney general and ask them to drop their suit against 504.
ADHD Has Been Discontinued. Suggest a Replacement.
When the stimulants hit
Don’t Stare at the Sun.
I just wanted to say that y'alls art seems so full of life I can even see them move being sober! Anyways, here's Jesus or something I did after 2g of shrooms
Earthly Posessions. (by me)
Is this about having DID?
Advice for missing people from fictional pseudo memories?
What do I name this?
Lamotrigine for DID
Anyone else feeling this?
I gave up smoking
Therapists opinion on nonverbal alters makes us mad — help
An Elder’s Powerful Message
Poem by me
Help with signs of CSA in an alter when we have never experienced CSA?
think i fucked up bringing up DID to my therapist with my mom in the room?