My 78 Cordoba I got for Christmas. Needs some new trim and minor rust repair, otherwise she's cherry
What Kind of Hat is This?
Best Cut the Cord Decision = VSeeBox + u/Deriksays
Boxes In Stock
Anthony Rendon Theft Tracker
Avengers Who?
Jacket I picked up at an antique mall
*sigh* Yeah.
9/7 Angels @ Rangers [Game Thread]
Checkin’ In
[Post Game Thread] Light That Baby Up! Angels defeat Nationals!
Checking In 🫠🫠🫠
So, so, so true for this team.
At Least the Uniforms Rocked!
7/19 Angels @ Athletics [Game Thread]
7/12 Mariners @ Angels [Game Thread]
7/11 Mariners @ Angels [Game Thread]
Checking In
[Post Game Thread] Angels defeated by Cubs
7/4 Angels @ Athletics [Game Thread]
Ok Late 70s Version: It’s Early 1978, Which One Are You Ordering For Spring?
Angels stadium hack: if you can find them, two small beers is only 9 dollars. It’s the same amount of beer as a tall can which is $15.
6/22 Angels @ Dodgers [Game Thread]
Do Angels fans want the city named change?