Icicle Impale Apc
All pops on 650% HP Elite Bloonarius with the Goliath Doomship
Elite bloonarius on logs in 32 tiers with Engigon, geraldo, spop and nomics. Has anyone done less?
First ever All pops chimps with XXL Trap!
WORLD RECORD - Highest Round in BTD6 - RESORT (Bloons TD6)
All pops chimps Elite Bloonarius with Giganotosaurus!
First ever All pos chimps Round 200 with Megladon!
Find worst move for white
All pops Round 100 Deflation with Churchill!
How did you beat this week elite boss
I’m not using mods, why is my sniper using its ability over and over again?
Elite Bloonarius with one wizard getting every single pop from round 1 (full video link in comments)
As of update 45, is it worth farming on half cash?
I beat 10x Elite Dreadbloon without MK!
Aggressive Openings for Black
ז** על פוליטיקה, מה הגיבור הכי אהוב עליכם במגדלי הגנה בלונים 6 ולמה?_במ
New Geraldo 1TC (In theory)
How would you defend against this fork?
Can you beat this without powers?
How do I beat this without buying T4 alch (2tc, 2mpc)
Holy Fieck the Anti Sicilians
Switching from sicilian to caro
Flooded valley primary only to round 140!
How high is your guys highest round
Favorite Rogue Subclass and Why