Should I move to Miami? I got a job offer of $4k net per month. I would work in Brickell. I could also pick to work in Austin instead. I would live with roommates
Are Rio Carnival clubs NSFW?
Elon Musk in Mar-a-Lago
Landed in West Palm Beach, Florida, United States. Apx. flt. time 2 h 4 min.
What even goes on here
Took off from Austin, Texas, United States.
Took off from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States.
Got it for Christmas. Willet 4.
Let’s go! Anybody try the 12?
Before Spotify even existed Winamp Player was used for listening music.
Which is your favorite mascot?
How do you pronounce "Rio De Janeiro"?
POLL: is your heat on?
Landed in West Palm Beach, Florida, United States. Apx. flt. time 1 h 57 min.
O Trump vai piorar isso ou vai virar um banho de sangue?
What are we celebrating in Brickell tonight?
My question's for the people who attended Alive 2007, What color were these LEDs in TRTN/Crescendolls ? Were they white or were they purple-ish as they appear in videos ?
+3.70%/$1.17 - GameStop Closing Price $32.82 (January 6, 2024) 2nd highest daily close in the past 7 months
O álbum é 10/10
Mi favorita cancion de Bad desde Efecto ❤️🔥
Concho is sooo cute!
Best songs aren't reggaeton
São Paulo Food Enthusiast: What are your Must-Try Brazilian Restaurants, Classics, Chicken Wings, Bars, and Hidden Gems?
DeBí TíRAR MáS FOToS: Live Listening Megathread for First Listen, Reactions, etc.