How do you guys create routine while having novelty in your lives?
types of episodes and how they effect your personal relationships
3 reasons why you SHOULD go/stay on meds even if you think you’re all fine.
Help I thought my wife was joking
Free apps to track mood
As a survivor of overly-similar twin names...
Does Anyone Else Not Do Therapy?
Ever experienced homelessness due to your bipolar?
How does the WW get over AP if there was nothing wrong with them?
Tell me your hypo tools
What do I do about the rings?
6 months no missed doses!
Mega thread. General questions and answers for newbies about punchneedling.
Fun cardio - anyone got any other suggestions ?
What annoying symptoms made you realize you have Bipolar?
One year of back progress
manic sex thoughts post mania
Personality changes while stabilizing
Would life be better without your BS?
Waywards that aren’t SA?
Is exercise really as helpful as people say?
What hobbies genuinely help your mental health?
Can you call your psychiatrist?
Why won't you cheat again?