Why modern feminism is all about silly things or saying man are bad.
Replace females
TMBR: The female gender should be replaced.
I’m sub5 can I reach htn
Guys am I fucking ugly
Do I look like I listen to redpill content
I need a gf
(18f) little black mixed teen that can’t resist this sub
Everybody else is doing it so I will to 14m ama
Could I finish before end of school year?
Am I cooked can I catch up
Outside walk
I’m bored make fun of my stupid haircut
Sexual Harassment
Do I look like a discord mod
I asked for a modcut
Why do mf who post themselves on here look like theyre 28
Where's the revolution?
Misandry on TikTok
How tall where you when you were 14
I will get revenge on my barber
How much ram allocated for Minecraft shaders no mods
Would you play Minecraft with me
My hair is bad what haircut should I get