Miss Huang and miss Casey are both from the small country of asia. so MUST be related, RIGHT?
Jill is weeping and praying about the plane crash in Philadelphia and the plane/helicopter crash in DC.
Dr Zeizel past case “a voice commanded me to kill”
Exercise Bands
Gideon is being cute again. And Kaylee is dropping commas in weird places again.
What movie gave you the most negative or disturbing feelings?
Jill and Shrek once went on a boat cruise and tortured their captive audience with ear piercing screams and various musical instruments, including an accordion and a harp
How do you stop comparing yourself to "supermoms"?
Man at whataburger drive thru commented negatively on my looks today
About the Helly R theories: there's a classic quote from Alfred Hitchcock about the difference between "surprise" and "suspense" people should be aware about
I'm DEEPLY intrigued by this theory
The board says ᴴᴱᴸᴸᴼ
Someone needs to give Jill a lesson on hashtags.
Treated us like loyalty
Severance - 2x03 "Who Is Alive?" - Episode Discussion
What do people make of Devon and Ricken’s relationship?
I'm surprised I haven't seen more comments about Helly's...
I think it’s deliberate that [spoiler] is dressed like Pam Beesly
"I'm loving my new dress from Walmart"
They all said YES to having another baby!! Are they insane???
Grandma chic in your 20's
Tessie and Samuel are part of a singing group at church and they actually sound much better than when they are singing with Mahmo.
Perfect for Mahmo!
This has been at my location for weeks. You’re telling me no one wants to store weed and snacks in here? I should.
S2E2- Irving’s phone call
What should you NOT tell a postpartum mom?? I’ll start…