One word…
Come at me all you want, but…One thing I’ll give Loren, is he doesn’t hold back.
Adnan going bald…
My mother wants to a kitten declawed. How do I handle this?
Got blocked from the VIP group…
That WW though..
What is wrong with this guy??
These men DO NOT give af 😆
Omg what the hell
he says "i love you" and all she wants to know about is the drop. for some reason I feel like she took his phone and had a convo with herself. this is too weird.
Baby FaceTune
Keurig Coffee is Garbage
Did their house burn down?
AIO or did I hold myself accountable in these messages?
The day I got promoted, my partner made it all about them.
Girl are you kidding me!
Wearing children’s clothes..
AITA for refusing to let my sister bring her dog to my wedding, even though it’s “emotional support”?
AITA for refusing to name my son after my late brother?
I will switch seats with you so you can sit with your child/spouse
Can’t wait to see how many “guess the zippy” underneath snow gear posts are gonna clog my feed for the next week.
Please don’t
What are boy names you cannot stand?
I was walking on sunshine after an event, got home and my wife ruined it for me in one sentence.