Is this 50/50?
Information on the first day of offline testing in China
Welp… Guess I gotta drop 10k to some lucky Tenno
How important is sex for you personally?
[no spoilers] My Personal Prediction for the Act 3 ending (art by me)
I don't know why but this seems funny to me!
Y'all got any ridiculous names for your pets? Lol
Worst most frustrating boss in this game
⭐️ Deadlock Invites 24/7 ⭐️
What are your favorite houdini lyrics?
Cloak of Infinite Potential
Unveiled a riven and got this..?
Which song is forever linked to a movie for you now?
I officially believe that Komi is rigged
What are the rules for creating weapons for pact of the blade Warlock?
Plaguestar easy 260m drone spawn
What are quotes that you find memorable?
AI voice
Playing in EU. How do I select to play on EU servers (/sarcasm)
Why shouldn't I just steal at the last few seconds in quick cash?
What are everyone’s unpopular opinions?
Spent $300 USD on Stainless Steel Keycaps - Worth it?
What's your internet speed and how much you pay for it? for me 500mb/s for 16€/month
If I hear one more i-word imma flip