Found on r/MauLer
In an alternate universe where EFAP focused on music, who are some bad music critics you would want them to cover?
Is this the best album cover art of all time?
Ship discourse
Coaxed into the real people being wrong is always in the comments
Healer Main and I'm Exhausted already..
The following no bands are NOT emo
How his fans turn this into a win is beyond me
This subreddit in a nutshell.
A message to my fellow Strategist mains
Losercity Actual Place
Worst artist to make a 10/10 song or album?
Carti a deadbeat
how it feels to say record instead of album
only real Emo bands
tummy rule
Severely outjerked
'80s emo starter pack
Rule male
black country, new road
Losercity rapper
What would you remove from the femboy stereotype?