Thoughts on Kendrick?
Breaking Bad Characters Suffering vs Deserving
Tha streets respond to Meek Mill’s offer to buy TikTok
Which show was better overall, Breaking bad or Snowfall?
Why does Nipsey Hustle say that he “grew up in the 60s” when he was only 23 when he released this song in 2008, which would mean he primarily grew up in the 90s? Is this some “urban” thing that I don’t know about?
What year did UFC really skyrocket to popularity?
Most controversial Future take ?
Do non-binary identities reenforce gender stereotypes?
Snowfall characters’ fates and how much they deserved them
Kendrick Lamar 100% has watched this show and here’s my evidence
I didn't appreciate the 2010s at the time and now I regret it
9/11 vs. Covid Outbreak: Which Was the More Game-Changing Event?
Why are our people on the west coast of the united states so different?
What’s the best year to be born in?
Seighties (1977-1984) is a middle era that doesn’t get discussed enough IMO.
[COD] What is your dream CoD game? Break it down for us
At what age did you become sexist, violent and misogynistic?
The best thing they did this season was NOT include these guys
So who wants what for RDR3
Are limousines no longer considered a status symbol?
Theory: Player 001 is the front man
[COD] Which CoD campaign insists upon itself, in your opinion?
“Greatest movie ever” starter pack.
third round: horrible person - loved by fans
Unpopular opinion: GTA 6 will disappoint