What the heck is wild farming? Is it different to organic farming?
What does it mean if you keep dreaming of drinking bathroom disinfectant accidentally?💀💀
Apparently carrying pepper spray for self defense in UK is illegal. Any alternatives?
Some structures in a dockyard
A collection of cartoons by Chuck Asay on homsexuality (1990s-2010s)
Unpopular Opinion: 6 Day Star
I made a 3D concept of a pokemon snowglobe... I had to fuse mimikyu and trubbish because I got issues with their models
I've been given the task to come up with a pokemon themed tea party for a 17 year old girl.
Having kids as an autistic female
These have to be AI, right?
on the 6 Day Star Blanket drama
Vegan opposition to cultivated meat is deeply silly
A whole room of people doing this gesture above their heads?
Non true crime investigative podcasts suggestions?
You are new to needlepoint...
Update on Steve the 2-tailed wonder
Has anyone ever had a GOOD experience in the psych ward?
Thermodynamics, entropy, and 0.00001K vs 0K
Will Weleda products damage the skin barrier long term? [Product Question]
[Product Question] Choosing between four gel creams
Anyone ISO Pisolithus Arhizus?
Where can I learn how to make better dyeing decisions?
How strong of a shift is it for you when you cycle to being attracted to another gender? Are there ways to mitigate it?
I think I’m bi
What is everyone's view of the term Heteroflexible?