Name the last game you played, but slap "& Knuckles" at the end
Tiara Boobowski, Thighs the Kangaroo, Amy y Tails: versión censurada xd
What was your'e first Sonic game?
My girlfriend's gift
Why do people ship them?
What game is Jon playing? (Wrong answers only)
Ha llegado el super Jueves a mi 3DS XD
Rangato + Bonus
who should i put in my new island. (adding every comments ideas)
He is so charismatic!
Look at this perfect animal
What's your favourite line?
Garfield Computer (2020)
¿tienen miis del super jueves?
Sonichu and the hedgehog boys
Rangu Erick, hear me out
who is this guy? wrong awnsers only
Who is shadow looking at?
Which line from any Sonic media feels like this?
Lt. Dan
Why is Todd’s fucking head so big?
Who would YOU spend Christmas with!
The Cure A-Z. A Night Like This wins N! Next is best song beginning with O!
Which game is the one you'veplayed the most?