Don't bring more victims into the world.
A 2021 YouGov poll found that 35% of women are completely or somewhat financially dependent on their partner. I think women should adopt extreme minimalism and veganism to reduce their cost of living and free themselves from the men in their lives.
Shoggoths now have tentacles.
The AI race.
A masterpiece I stumbled upon.
A middle-aged man feels empty inside, so he tries to fill the void by getting his wife pregnant.
Men are like vampires
An upcycled jar filled with a bunch of phalaris sits next to an upcycled Tabasco bottle containing three sprigs of wheat. Both are placed on a mat made from disposable chopsticks. The ribbons I used were taken from clothing and had branding on them, so I blackened the logos.
Trump Revokes Biden Executive Order on Addressing AI Risks
Embracing antinatalism ensures that you will not bring an animal abuser into existence.
natalism (noun): practice of imposing mortality onto others because you are scared of your own mortality.
Can a kotatsu cause erythema ab igne?
I have upcycled a Tabasco bottle by washing it, adding a black ribbon, and placing three sprigs of lavender inside.
Dear extreme minimalists, what is your gender identity?
The Virgin Mary is one of the most reckless procreators on the planet. She has literally invented a new religion to justify her conception.
Don't bring more sentient beings into existence.
People will upvote posts like this that complain about adulthood, but then go on to have children who’ll have to endure it.
We were not created in God's image, and you should not create human beings in your own image either.
I don't believe in having children nor like them, don't know what I expected natalists to comment but yeah, logic is far removed.
Procreators really enjoy pretending to be happy while picking fights with random people on this sub.
The more reckless you are, the more likely you are to procreate.
Let's do some simple activism.
"Since I cannot be vegan because of health reasons, I decided to reproduce."
Why the 4B movement terrifies males