the way christians talk about hell is actually insane
aggressive encouragement for the holidays
things that scared me as a christian child!
What are Stories of Athiests Being Good People?
Besides the Bible, of course, what are some books recommended to you, or at least influential to you in terms of apologetics, as a Christian?
How to respond to “We voted for Trump for his policies, not his piety.”
A disturbing forum I found
im so scared
wanting to cut contact with my family because of this
i just wanted to reach out. this isn't even the first hotline i tried
Hope died last night.
my story of leaving christianity
Worst New Testament Passages
obsessing over mythological creatures after deconstructing
"empty sky"
Is it a cult?
got called a slur today
how much sand + water should i have?
Crab keeps dropping itself from high places.
cheap heaters and humidifiers?
is well water safe for hermit crabs?
christian logic is crazy
a GENUINE question about PERIODS for the GIRLS