Can someone explain to me what’s going on with the back of these legs?
Taking a moment? She posts this same picture different outfit every other day
Saving this video for future use to induce vomiting if needed
Just… No..
My unhinged ex-friend booked the same flight as me to “join” me on my solo trip
Was JT’s death known before the episode aired?
Desperate for content?I mean, IDK… she posts a pic of her feet 3 hours after Kay Hearn post a pic of her feet?
Guys did you know how smol is? Teeniest girl
Did a deep dive of her profile looking for hairline pics (all pre 2021). 2nd collage has her 2 recent pictures included for comparison.
I guess it’s safe to say Darcy isn’t a fan of Jimmy 😅😅😅
What did she say her hips and waist measurements were again? 🙃
The body filter is working overtime.
“Guys I hate giving my stats”…. Proceeds to give stats (improperly rounded) every other day 🙄
No way people requested this
AIO I went through my boyfriends phone over the weekend
What the fuck 🤮
She “needed” a $450 pair of ugly ass APL’s meanwhile half of America is living paycheck to paycheck
life with derek
Lolllllll she’s really spiraling over that message. She’s trying to come off as tough ….but she’s really just a pussy.
Worst Plot
All my favorites are gone
Oh look a new conspiracy 🙃
I can’t be the only one…