Menace/Kill/Damage inquiry
I might have a dumb question but im going to ask any ways but what is the diffence between Swarmyard in Timespiral remasters and its promo varition?
Flipwalkers Vol. 5: Teferi
codie, vociferous codex hypothetical
Where to Watch Recent Pro Tour Matches?
Daily Questions Thread - Ask All Your Magic Related Questions Here!
Timing restrictions, CruelClaw
Limits of Solidarity
Elf's last stand
My wife made this! Auction still going! Link in comments
The Deckmaster Game || Friday Nights S9E03
Copying Vehicles while they’re Creatures?
Shattershield - What would be a fair cost for this?
Two CommandFest dates announced, one with a very interesting date
Besides Mutate, what other ability/keyword/spell allows another creature to do Commander Dmg?
Magic Future/Story Pitch
Evil Ritual
Do I need to announce a hexproof trigger or is it like prowess?
Which counter?
Mindbreak trap alternative cost
Kardur doomscourge and wake the dead
Please help me verify Zur, Eternal Schemer's ability
Mana Cost
Collective Restraint and Nacatl War Pride