The Shin Megami Tensei series is insane.
DOKAPON! Sword of Fury for PC launches January 21
You Ever get into a game because of DLC?
Billion-dollar video game: is this the most expensive piece of entertainment ever made? | Games
ABDL Babyfur Community Denounce PoE 2 Cheater | Castle Super Beast 302 Clip
Marvel's greatest duo: Dog and Dragon
UMG responds to the Newly filed Lawsuit.
UMG responds to the Newly filed Lawsuit. This statement basically sums up a lot what we been saying 👏
The Suicide Squad game story has wrapped up
There Is No Safe Word
Does this count as a humble brag?
The latest art trend making the rounds on Twitter: drawing characters being lazy, sitting on the couch, drinking beer; because why the hell not.
I Will Take Some Credit For This Dokapon Revival | Castle Super Beast 302 Clip
Presented without context.
I caved.
Dev decisions that feel like they made by someone that doesn't play the game?
What media would you want to be consuming in your final moments?
This was absolute PEAK Midway madness! - Gauntlet Legends
WCW Backstage Assault - What Happened?
Times when a creator’s “magical realm”/weird fetishes bleed into their work?
So apparently in the 28 Years Later movie the rest of the world is doing fine while it's just Britain facing a zombie hellscape and I find that the funniest thing in the world.
I just had a great idea for a Dragon Ball style Marvel fighting game.
Your 3DS Mighty No 9 Pre order has Finally Been Cancelled | Castle Super Beast 301 Clip
Free Talk Friday - January 10, 2025
Cyberprison for tiny anime girls announced at CES
Speedrunner tells you how to most optimally play New Vegas