In Africa, the encounter between two lions, four vultures, a hyena and a giraffe, who did not know what to do next, was filmed.
What is your favorite 80s song?
Do you think money makes a person happy? Why?
What’s the biggest lie you believed about life growing up?
What would you do with a million dollars if someone handed it to you (tax free) ?
What do you enjoy doing that most people would not?
Horse: “Yo this is nooooice!”
What’s something every guy should know before getting into a relationship?
What’s your pets name and what do you call it?
What is considered getting your life together?
What’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard lately?
What is the most popular series (TV, Streaming) that you’ve never watched an episode of?
What source of major good is left in the world?
ATP, I should audition for professional modelling.
What would be your LAST meal?
What's your favourite childhood memory?
What are your experiences with the Mandella Effect?
What made you cry today ?
What’s something that happened a while ago that still affects you?
What is the scariest internet rabbit hole you've ever gone down?
What’s your favorite thing about Reddit?
What do you think happens after death?
This beautiful waterfall in New Zealand was calming.
What things just piss you off?
How do you wake up every morning? Like what's THE reason that gets you going?