TIL that during WW2, the United States government made a video encouraging its farmers to grow hemp for the war effort. The hemp was used to make ropes for the U.S Navy. After the war ended, hemp reverted back to being illegal.
TIL that in the movie Poltergeist they used real skeletons as props because it was cheaper than making plastic fake ones.
TIL the reason that Mike Myers ended up playing the Cat in the Hat was because he was sued after cancelling on a prior project. He settled, and one of the terms of the agreement in the settlement was he would take a lead in another film by director Bo Welch, who ended up directing The Cat in the Hat
TIL that the picture “The Scream” by Edvard Munch does not depict a person screaming, but rather someone reacting to hearing a scream.
TIL Michael Keaton's real name is Michael Douglas. When he moved to Los Angeles, there was already an actor named Michael Douglas, so Keaton flipped through a phone book until he saw the name Keaton and decided to make it his stage name.
'Rumors like this can harm small businesses': Seattle restaurant responds to internet claims of worm in sushi
TIL that 1 out of every 8 Americans has worked at a McDonalds at some point in their life.
Dance Party at Pike Place! Sunday afternoon
TIL that an English chemist named James Price claimed to be able to turn mercury into silver or gold. When asked by members of the Royal Society to perform the experiment in front of credible witnesses, he reluctantly agreed, only to drink poison in front of them instead.
U be the judge
TIL that in 1976, 3 men kidnapped a bus full of schoolchildren with the goal of ransoming them back for 5 million dollars. They tried to place the ransom call, but the line was busy, and they ended up falling asleep. By the time they woke up, the children had freed themselves and made it to safety.
Back in 2020, the Scots-language edition Wikipedia had to remove close to 23,000 out of the 50,000 total articles after it was revealed that they were made by an American teenager who did NOT speak Scots.
"Did I win?"
On the Wikipedia page about the “Timeline of Irish inventions and discoveries," there is a 300-year gap in between when the Irish invented whiskey and their next listed invention.
We won, but a What Cost?
Eliot Ness' fortune and fame ran out in the end.
I just want to light up the comments.
The Wonder Bar Is Low
Seattle activist, relatives indicted by feds in drug trafficking ring
That was the wrong animal my dude.
LBJ was simply just better at committing crimes
Turns out everyone in the 1800s liked their version of cowboys
What a score on 9/11
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