I bearly watch anyone else
Dying star thoughts
Either Ted is a giant or…
Marigold - pro-life?
Thanks Nobuo glitchy delay
Is this a THING now? 😭
Is it normal to get auto-filled players in EVERY game?
I may or may not need a biger shelf
In Patch 14.2 Riot officially confirms that the correct key for flash is F
What was the worst Patch ever?
How to get over fear of playing aggressively?
For lore enthusiasts
It's Finally here
Stack assets not fiat 💪
Why are so many German forests like this?
My IP about to get leaked because of this 😭
S14 So far is a failed experiment where everyone does too much dmg.
Any idea what this arrow and red line means?
I reached master tier playing only (and I mean, ONLY) akali :)
League subreddits rn be like:
Just recently hit Masters right before the season ends with Akali :) AMA
Riot pulled a disney (once again)
what is this? (wrong answers only)
WHY do you love tequila?
What are your weridest key binds?