anything special with these numbers? (new to looking)
mann. How long y’all predict 🤣🤣 (In FL)
Cured concentrate??
Package time travel?
what should I do with 1/2 oz of stems?
Who else prefers glass tips in their joints?
el chivos back 💪
medicated with kanaplex/focus for 2 weeks with no improvement. Advice?
gold flower ft. Lauderdale?
trying the drop (lee county)
baby cuban tree frogs? (central fl)
Tragedy occurred. Where to purchase XL Hujeta gar?
Tragedy occurred. Where to purchase XL Hujeta gar? Advice greatly appreciated
El Chivo and Tropical Truffle
fuckin love this strain
copperhead? (central FL)
favorite sunburn dispos?
To the Stars 🚀 (again)
Trulieve Cartridge Glowing Red?
first time with sump, what should I add?
I'm "ok"
dumb mistake killed my plants, help me decide how i should rescale
equilibrium vs minerals
dumb mistake killed all my plants, ideas for rescape?