Poll: Who is the worst person on the show? (ranked in terms of their mindset)
Fed and Mary Season 5 Episode 6
Dr Robin Zasio is the most wonderfully condescending person to watch on tv
If you were given 1.5 million dollars to spend a day with a hoarder, who would you choose?
I've come to realize that Carol (S11 E1) is in a whole league of her own...
Cory Chalmers or Matt Paxton?
Debra season 6 episode 1
Joni and Millie
Season 11, Episode 1 - Carol
Dr Melva Green Episodes
Does anyone have a favorite Dorothy moment?
Dorothy Breninger
Season 6 episode 8
Most unhinged episodes?
Poll: Who has the worst hoard on the show?
Sherry and Matt
How COLD Is It Where You Are?
Pickle, rock, pumpkin, amoire
Hoarders Cast Trumpies
Which hoarders had the best human qualities?
Which hoarder do you dislike the most and why?
Who else is spending New Year’s Eve alone?
Season 1, Episode 2 of Hoarders