“Vladimir making nightmares-but that’s how we all think-with collective conscious-calamities on repeat”
jiggle jiggle jiggle
Trell/Keem/DoKnow/Pun Are the MVPs of FMW
Best Lucki Tracks on Spotify
Does anyone know who this is??
It's deep in her throat yet she's only taking half of it.
She was made to do one thing
Easily top 3 albums
Who is this??
Here to remind yall Hleather need to bring Tee back on and stop being jealous
🇧🇷 has no chill
Ok I dig the weight.
For those 20 or older, I'll send a masturbation video to the first 100 who type YES.
Black guy from New York says he's going to pull up on Myron
All they had to do is just stick to dating. Myron had to go off the deep end. SAD. A successful business down the drain. SMH.
The best doll right now
Myron shows that Dean Withers is scared of debating him.
Proof Khalyla is taking money from Bobby Lee
We fuc wit this crew church?
My latest fall haul review (Ralph Lauren, Stone Island, New Balance, iPhone) + some fit pics inspo
Big ol thang
Any news about chapter 379?
Yo did Walter leave FnF? Why did Myron say this?