LLC/DBA question
JoyToy figures - are they any good?
Comment "yes" if you want HOT nudes from me ;) (I do send them)
How did it feel when Nirvana killed hair metal? Was it a drastic change all at once?
Who in this genre is a complete Sweetheart?
Opinions on Jizzy Pearl
WIP "Amphibious Man"
What is your favourite Hair Metal verse/line?
Etsy took down the post so I have them relisted on ebay. Not sure if i can share a link.
Favorite song by these fellas?
Name this band
My guys Henry (16) and Lily (6)
Average Italian girl
Favorite Cover Songs?
Vince Neil 😂
Gun Safe for FFL/SOT
looking for some advice. We are looking for a very rebuttable breeder. Our last pug was from a rescue. We'd love to hear from people who have gotten really healthy pugs! Open to rescuing as well, but by time we put the application, they're gone!
Who's the better drummer: Audie Desbrow (great white) or Fred Coury (Cinderella)?
I am devestated
Grail Acquired
Loudness - Crazy Nights (1985)
We found out our girl has diabetes. Things are unfortunately not looking good and she will most likely pass in a few days. The vet told us she should not be in pain. She is home now with her family and will be with her until the end. We love her so much.
What’s your favorite song from these guys?
What’s the most emotional hair metal song you’ve heard?
Which 🍒 selfie is the best? 1, 2, or 3 ✨