Anime where participants take Ayahuasca?
Do you create (or naturally come up) stories in your mind with characters?
These are the moderators?
I'm not joining your club but I'm hanging around more than is comfortable
My wife doesn’t know how to deal with my diagnosis
How do you cope with chronically being misunderstood?
How many of us are night people?
Supporting My Schizotypal GF
Does anyone struggle to know if they are in reality are not.
Could I get some info or links about early symptoms of developing schizotypical disorder or schizophrenia?
not enough memes here
What are your thoughts on Lacan's theory?
Does Schizoid falls under the neurotic or the psychotic structure? Or both? And why?
Whats your general mood?
Similar books to Arthur Inman's diaries
Interviewing people with Schizotypal Personality Disorder for a podcast/channel
OCD or ipseity disturbance?
Which old Japanese, Korean, or Chinese horror/psychological films do you recommend to me?
Where to watch Hong Sang-soo films for free (english or spanish subtittles)
Hong Sang Soo's By The Stream
Need Insight