delhi moment
titl lw
Idiots in a…boat?
Unity in Diversity
not me but found this camper on internet
a question for pheonix mains
am I stunting my growth in skill by choosing the phantom over the vandal 80% of the time?
new black hole photo just dropped
I knew this day would come
Listen with audio for better experience
bts= bakwas tatti singers
uttar pradesh in a nutshell and yes oc hai
Is ramen guy that strong?
an interesting tit le
another weird discord recording i edited
Thoughts on the new sub "meta" of just posting a highlight (usually a clutch) with the title "what should I do better?"
cringe post by me
Indian news is on crack like tf does darth maul gotta do with Russia Ukraine war and Putin
Making a spotify playlist for fellow saysainiks. Playlist is collaborative you may add your favorite songs, and can also comment your song, i will add it ;)
sudeep rule