Krewe of Chad/Karen
See something, say something?
To the folks on Broad who just released a bunch of Mylar balloons and knocked out power to the whole neighborhood
NO (and LA. generally) at the top of r/PrepperIntel: Chief Kirkpatrick (whom I generally like) says she's never heard of sidewalk vehicle barriers
When you’d rather eat your money than blow it up
My sympathy for anyone currently sick in New Orleans
Scrim question
Is French Quarter safe after dark with kids?
Claiborne at Esplanade. It was only a matter of time before one popped up here in town.
Xmas day restaurants?
Bars You Used to Love but Can’t Stand Now/Places You Just Never Understood the Hype Of?
Charcuterie tree
White oval - eggs?
Lil Wayne and Gov't Subsidies
Being a New Orleanian
Checkpoint at St. Bernard and Rampart
SWBNO Temporary Fixed Rate Billing ?
Traveling want to bring family a New Orleans treat
Why does New Orleans lack malls?
So I recognize the 5g antennas, but what's this thing on top?
Who Should I Call?
Fortified roof costs in NOLA
Research paper survey about Louisiana public services!!!
Where do you go to get live oysters?