People who got divorced after 20+ years: How long were things good in your marriage before they headed towards a dead bedroom, room mate situation or/and divorce?
Pet Insurance - Banfield
Life360 Suspect Location
What type of sh*t did your ex pull that caught you by suprise; during the proccess of divorce?
Separation Agreement, Alimony, Child Support
Is my husband really happy with me if he still watches porn/women online Do happily married men watch this, still?
It's just business now
Just a curious wife
Odd things your former spouse ruined for you?
What makes you happy in your marriage?
Wife has zero interest in affection and intimacy.
Advice for Uncontested Divorce with home and minor children
Does anyone have a TRUE story of NOT getting screwed in divorce - both partners agreed and walked away with equitable division of assets
How to get ex to understand I never want to be with him again?
Podcast recommendations?
Teens/College age kids: Advice needed
Podcast: Dr. Psych Mom
Wedding rings
Fear of upsetting my husband is hurting our marrige - how can I change this?
Longest period without sex
My (30M) wife (30F) and counselor think I should just masturbate if I want sex more than once a month
Do you still desire your spouse?
Moving On
Husband can't give me tender love, only sexy love.