Suggestions on a Server for Me?
Looking for opinions/advise on a server that is good for RP but also has a big enough population.
I prefer the classic style of play and slower level up experience versus modern. Also prefer PVE but pvp isn't bad just prefer in bursts/part of RP scenario etc. Also would prefer less P2W/micro transactions if possible too
I originally was looking at Ascension but it doesn't seem like it would be great for my needs and frustrate me more than not due to the level of meta people seem focus on based off my research at least. Turtle wow might work but not sure population or percentage that RP.
Am I better off sticking with retail classic instead? Haven't had much luck so far there in finding RP peeps and I'm sad now that Cata is out they took away the skill grind/progression from true classic.
Tall order and pretty picky I know. Suggestions though please on if any of these servers will be what I'm hoping for?
Thank you!