Need some advice: Do I leave my current job to enter the wine industry?

I figure you guys are the best people to ask and give advice on this. I’ll try to be as honest as I can be, and give all the information I think would be useful. I’m 22 y/o, fresh out of college, and super into wine (specifically the environmental side, grape growing, vineyard diagnostics, etc.). Relative to wine, I currently hold multiple of the WSET certifications, and am about to enter level 4 in about half a year. Wine is sort of my extreme passion, almost in an obsessive way to be honest. I love learning about different grapes, individual grower’s stories, geographical wine maps, tasting wine, the whole thing really. It just makes me so happy.

I think if I were to pursue wine in the future, I’d be interested in possibly taking on some sort of environmental consulting role. Maybe even going back to school to get a masters in viticulture. I live within reasonable driving distance from Cornell, and it seems like they offer a professional 1-year masters program for people that want to change their profession. Maybe I’d look into possibly applying, but of course I’d also need to get in.

So here’s the problem: Outside of wine, I have an Environmental Science degree. I got a really good job straight out of college. Great pay, benefits, awesome coworkers, room to get promoted, everything I could ask for. But I’m honestly not happy. I know wine is what I want to do with my life, and I feel like I’m currently just forcing myself to go to work everyday for the nice paycheck. So I’m at a crossroads. Is it worth it for me to pursue wine head on? Or continue as an extreme hobbyist, hoping to eventually meet the right people? Is going to get the masters degree even worth it? Any other ideas? I just feel very very lost right now. I appreciate any help people could provide.