finally lost it, but family is being weird about it

i finally lost my virginity last weekend. a nice fwb i met on tinder and have been texting and hanging out with shopping for the past 4 or 5 months were finally able to get together and have sex. it was kinda....boring?

he was finally able to move out of his family home and into an apartment with his other fwb and the fwb's girlfriend (actually a former college classmate! small world lol). they left to go to the girlfriend's family home for the holidays, so he was in the apartment alone the entire week, but we weren't able to meet up for 6/7 days because of work! also, as soon as i entered the apartment, i had to take all my clothes off and put them in a garbage bag i provided. the couple that invited my fwb to live with them own multiple pets, and as my family is allergic, i am not allowed to bring germs and dander and hair into my home. so, it really wasn't a sexy clothing removal, but more of a "oh god i gotta protect the clothes or else my mom and sister will kill me."

despite that, i think that the rather mundane reason helped me be slightly less nervous about a person other than my doctor seeing me naked. i also didn't feel as hideous and tubby as usual since he didn't make any disgusted faces or anything when he saw my body. we had sex, but it was kinda boring for him i think? to be with a virgin. i just starfished most of the time. i didn't know how to move my body at all or what to do with my hands and feet the entire time. i felt okay at the time, but looking back i feel a bit embarrassed. i also don't like kissing, too slimey. also, he was super sweaty and tired at the end because he was the only one moving really. i felt a bit bad for not being more participatory. i didn't really feel satisfied physically or mentally, but i was like "welp at least i'm not a virgin anymore! yay!" then i had to leave by 5pm to return home because my family was doing a holiday event/outing together to see christmas lights. again, the "time limit" i think helped me feel less stressed because i genuinely don't know what to do to just hang out with someone other than maybe watch tv together?

cut to the next week or so, current day after the holidays. i'm petting my sister's dog and lean down to give him a little forehead kiss for being a good boy and my sister tells me to not do that anymore. she doesn't want me to give her dog genital herpes or something? wtf?????

so for the past week or so, i've not kissed my sister's dog. and no, it's not one of those weird things where people let their dog lick their lips or chin or the people themselves kiss the dog on the lips (why?). it's just giving him a little smooch on the head for being a cute and fluffy little buddy.

so my past attempt to meet my fwb for sex, he had to cancel because he was on anti-biotics because another one of his fwb caught something. my mom and sister know this because i was complaining to them when i had to cancel my hotel reservations back in november. also, when i told my mom that my fwb was bisexual and open relationship/ENM, she freaked out because she thought he was straight???? literally, when i told her he was bi, she said "that's even worse!" why on earth would i be with a straight guy??? as a non-binary/trans person, that would make me feel incredibly horrible and trigger my gender dysphoria. literally, i was explicitly looking for t4t or bi/pan people only!

anyways, i'm not a virgin anymore, i've only had sex one time with one person. yet, i'm treated at home like i had hiv/aids, genital herpes, plague bringer, being slut shamed, etc., for having a single experience! yet, when my younger sister had *her* "slut era" as they say, when she slept with basically all the guys in her friend group, plus two strangers (her best friend's older brother, and some random older guy she met while being a background actor for a film/tv show shooting they were doing in my city), it's fiiiiine. she's the youngest sister, she can do anything with anyone she wants, i guess? the only things she's good at is having sex and she always lists sex as a positive in her relationships (she listed it as a thing she likes when listing things she misses with her now-ex boyfriend). when she was with her previous boyfriend and would go to visit his grandfather's house and work out in his basement gym, she was def having sex "the right way." when she and her other previous boyfriend would go in the basement at my home to watch the dog when he was still a puppy and needed supervision, they were def having sex on the couch "the right way."

which, to my boomer mother, is straight and monogamous, i guess. like, i'm a germaphobe and i'm a bit scared of stds too, so i kinda understand, but i had my fwb put a condom on the entire time. he pulled up his medical app on his phone and showed me his std test results, all negative. he's clean.

i'm just so annoyed that, since i am an lgbt+ person and also kinda ugly/chubby, also not looking for a conventional romantic relationship (am aromantic/aro spec), finding a partner that is accepting of my identities and body was so hard! i finally find a really nice bisexual, open relationship person, who is also gender questioning right now/possibly also non-binary or gender fluid, to be a fwb without judgements. yet, its wrong and dirty when i try sex once time in my entire life, because he's bisexual and had other partners in the past and is also still seeing other people currently.

but when my sister gets up to all kinds of weird freaky sex with her past 3 boyfriends and her one night stands with those 6 other guys, and also brags about how much she loves sex, its fine because it's the correct way (wtf?). yes, i know the dick size of her past boyfriend, her other ex-boyfriend had a foot fetish (clean feet only, not dirty feet), and more! including the outdoor sex she had with a friend that was possibly in view of at least 3 or 4 neighbor's windows because there are not many places to hide in my flat, plain, and decoration-less backyard. she is also 3 years younger than me but has all this experience, so yet another reason to feel like an immature failure virgin (until last week of course, but still, it wasn't as *fun* as people say it would be and i don't feel much different at all tbh).

also annoying, she literally has a gay friend who told her about his sexual experiences, including some hook up at a sauna/gay bathhouse a few months ago??? but she hangs out with him and doesn't treat him poorly as a potential std/ ~oooh, cooties~ carrier.

like, i kinda expected the negative reaction of finally losing my virginity from my mom since she's a boomer and all, but i thought that as "sexually liberated" and "sex positive" at least my younger sister would be happy that i've finally tried sex and "found the light/understood that it's fun" and stuff, instead she's not letting me near her dog because i could give him a disease. bro, i know her body count is 9! but i don't treat her like a cootie carrier. ugh.

TL;DR - i, a queer person, finally try sex once with an open minded queer person and lose my virginity, but now my mom and my sister are now slut shaming and treating me like a fucking leper at home because i didn't do it "the right way" (straight, monogamous, *not queer/fwb which is gross and dirty ig*??)?????? BRUH

frfr, me and my fwb were texting for months and becoming friends for months. i've not really sexted or sent nudes ever bc i've read too many scary stories about revenge porn, etc. my sister, who i know has sent nudes on snapchat and sexted and had one night stands AND did other non-sex related stuff like lie and steal cash from my mom's purse AND my own bag, should NOT be the one to be slut shaming me here. the irony is INSANE! ARGH!

also, for the stealing cash from my bag thing. so I KNOW that's what she was doing. during college, as a virgin with a not-so-great public school sex education, was curious what a condom looked like because i've never seen one before. yes, my school did not even do the "put a condom on a banana" demonstration, we just got pictures of genital herpes and chlamydia to scare us from trying sex, so i've never seen a condom ever in my entire life at that point. there was a bowl of free condoms at my college's nurse office. i took one and put it in my bag in a back pocket where i also kept pads and tampons. it was NOT in the open, in a front pocket, etc. it was in a hidden back zipped pocket for securing stuff. one night, during dinner, my sister leaves and then comes back with the condom, unopened/unused. she is like "ooooh, look what pikachuttails has here? any boys?" she would, before i came out as my identity, accuse me of having a hidden sex life at college. i didn't of course, but i kinda wish i did now lol. she also accused me of being a lesbian and made sexually harassing remarks when we would watch lgbt+ teen movies/shows on netflix like simon vs the world and such, asking if i was kissing girls at school, stuff like that. anyways, she claimed that she was in my bag looking for mints/tik tacks. BRUH, YOU DO NOT GO IN MY BAG AND PULL OUT THE CONDOM I HAD IN THE VERY HIDDEN BACK POCKET LOOKING FOR BREATH MINTS. my mom never had her apologize for this either, iirc. she gets away with practically everything, i'm so annoyed of it, and now she has the gall to continue to sexually harass me by treating me like i have an std? GTFO