Wish I could trust food from any non-vegans
Even the non-vegans that respect my diet choices. Maybe especially them.
Roommate offered me some couscous and said they would make it with oil in stead of butter. Sounds great. Surprise snack. Go to get some and notice it smells cheddary. Notice it was was a boxed mix. Check the ingredients. Yup there's cheddar and some other stuff.
I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth. And if someone is doing a kindness for me like cooking, I really don't want to have to vet everything. It feels ungrateful.
Got so wrapped up in my social anxiety about it took a couple bites instead of being honest about it and now I have to pretend to be so engrossed in my work that I'm forgetting to eat the rest. (Hence posting on reddit.)
But even the most well intentioned people never actually know what vegan means. It's so exhausting. Especially since I experience the same thing in other parts of my life, like being neurodivergent, queer, etc. It all compounds and is so alienating.