3 months in and levels came back at 3100, WTF?.welp..
Hello fellow trt friends. 50 year old male here, had the typical low T symptoms.. my levels were ranging from low 200s to high 300s. Heathy eating, active at work ( lineman by trade),CrossFit and so on.. So.. I’ve been injecting Testosterone Cyp for approximately 3 months now and have just had my bloodwork done to check in and see where I’m at. I’m injecting 50mg 2x a week. My levels came back at 3110!!
I’m not seeing anything crazy as far as physical or mental changes. Feeling a little stronger and tighter and a little more motivated. Libido seems to be the same( never had an issue although erections are definitely not the same as they used to be ). Not experiencing any “morning wood”.. not having any “raging hard ons”… anyhew, my doc called in a panic and said to immediately cut my dosage in half.
Thoughts or comments appreciated. Thanks community!