Something I realized!!!
So the first time I used tret, I purged a lot and it also irritated my skin because I ended up getting painful acne on my temples that I’d never gotten before. But that was on me because I went in too quick and didn’t use proper barrier support.
This time around, I started with benzoyl peroxide for my inflammatory acne and then incorporated Azeliac acid, first in the am and then in the pm, always with good moisturisers and hydrating toners.
Once I had my acne under control and had no more breakouts, I shifted to taz 0.1 and I didn’t purge at all.
I had peeling the first week but AA took care of that really well. So far I’m a month into taz and no purging what so ever. I thought this might be helpful for people who are scared of purging with tret/taz. Personally I much prefer taz to tret because I had no irritation at all with it even though my skin hadn’t been retinized.