Pointer Dog: Slow Playstyle?

Despite loving the idea of a Pointer dog... my impression is it slows hunting to a crawl. The dog sneaks soooooo slowly towards an animal & has numerous actions that can derail a "point" attempt. It takes several minutes, and very slow walking by me, to get the "point" action to occur.

I got frustrated and switched to a new retriever dog. It feels night-and-day liberating IMO, as I can hunt at my speed again.

I'm being impatient, as this is just Day 1 of the DLC 🤣😂 But a few takeaways:

  • The pointer dog can be useful for newer players or unexplored areas, but experienced players can likely track/find animals at a much faster pace than the Pointer dog. Maybe this improves with leveling up the Pointer trait to max.

  • Pointer dog may be more effective on other maps, but I don't find it super helpful on Salzwiesen Park. The views are wide open, it's very easy to see and approach animals. So the point isn't revealing many "unseen" animals, like they may in a more dense map. To give credit though, it has helped discover animals hidden in brush.

  • The flush command is obviously useful, when it works. But I've been surprised at how close the dog has to get to birds to trigger the "flush" prompt. Given how easy it is for the Point/flush to reset, if an animal spooks, this feels like needed improvement... bc the flush ability should be super useful.

Any agreed/contrasting thoughts?