7.6 Bugs are crazy

I know everyone is up in arms about the character shader changes in 7.6 (and rightfully so-all the human characters look like chain smokers). But to me the bigger issue is the insane amount of bugs that were pushed out with this update. Did they not QA any of the update before releasing it?

Issues I’ve seen in just a few hours of play: -sound on all animal mounts no longer works -enemies in fp’s constantly getting stuck in environments where you cannot attack them -in main mission on dromund kass for the agent storyline, a necessary panel is not intractable (resetting the mission/phase doesn’t fix it), making it impossible to progress the main story. -got stuck in stronghold and have to restart game for it to let me teleport out. -some color crystals are not actually adding the appropriate color to weapons (have a green crystal that changed a lightsaber to yellow). -companion will randomly fly to the other side of the screen for 10 seconds before teleporting back to you.

And based on the forums/other posts on here, there’s a plethora of other bugs. 7.6 seemed like it was supposed to be a message from the developers that they heard your feedback and were trying to make improvements. But releasing a buggy messy like this when we’re over a decade into this game’s lifecycle is insane. And they wonder why people have been unsubscribing in droves.

Listen, I understand there will always be be a handful of bugs they don’t catch until release. But the number of known issues people sharing is absolutely insane. Either this needed more time to bake before releasing or the remaining skeleton crew broadsword has working on this game is stretched so thin that they didn’t have the capacity to test any of this. Just sad…