Do you guys know any good kids chapter books? Looking for ocean themes that aren't mermaids.
I'm trying to find something to kind of hook my 8 year old son into reading. We've done dragon masters which he liked ok but only really read because I made him. The only books he reads voluntarily are this like shark fact books, weird ocean creature fact books, and a easy reader called pizza shark.
He's loved ocean stuff since he was 3 years old. His room is decked out in it, he's had a ocean themed birthday every year, there's a big aquarium a hour from us that he had me take him to 4 times this summer.
I've been looking for books for him but everything seems to be mermaid themed or very obviously geared towards girls. My ideal would be a series like Redwall but based in the ocean, but honestly I would even take a "girl" book so long as the plot is good and heavily ocean based.