What's the crummiest lockbox item?

I'm old enough to remember when Cracker Jack and breakfast cereals had prizes in the box. They were never very good, but I knew that was the deal. Still, sometimes there'd be a "prize" so useless or inscrutable in its purpose that even eight-year-old me would feel indignant. The injustice! I ate so much f**king Cap'n Crunch and all I get is this!?

Of course, that was all a preamble about lockboxes....

Tearing open a bunch this week with the keys I'd saved up was fun. I didn't even mind some of the trash that was thrown in there. Actually, I just clicked my way through the boxes without really noticing said trash. But now, I can maybe scrape together ~12.2MM EC a day to purchase a key, and boy that's a different experience.

Today's treat was an R&D Research XP bonus pool. I could hear that sad tuba riff they use on the Price is Right when somebody loses. Utterly useless to someone who has been playing as long as me, but also of little interest to someone new to the game who just wanted a phaser or something. A masterpiece in trolling.

The single worst item I've gotten out of an Infinity box was a Tal Shiar Command Code. I have the vaguest recollection that if I somehow got a few more of them, I get to run a doff mission chain and get an ok quality doff with undisclosed special abilities. A moot point, since for some reason I couldn't get the doff assignment to start.

What do folks think are the objectively worst items in these boxes?