My experience with NPP
I’ll preface by saying I’ve already got virilisation from over abuse of test and primo mainly primo btw. And have put myself through a medical menopause and my testosterone level is that of a 40 year old man according to my GP this is because I’ve abused testosterone in the past so I don’t know if I’ve changed the way compounds effect me due to my hormonal situation- as you can see if you visit my IG I’m extremely lucky that I so far don’t look very manly. Bit my arrogance and abuse of compounds in the past along with inconsistent training have done me out of muscle gain and screwed my body up for good.
So I posted on here a while back then got ripped a new asshole because I not only took NPP but because I posted elsewhere about a one off spike in my BP and supported the compound without enough experience. And in hindsight it was far too early for me to be bigging up NPP.
My overall experience is a positive one- if your willing to accept that it is virilising but are happy to deal with that and make some REAL progress then do it
It’s very hard for us females because we have very little knowledge on steroids and the knowledge we do have come from males so female experience is lacking,
My 2 qualms with nandrolone were my anxiety got bad, not unbearable but it was there and it definitely played a part In my BP increase ; when I say increase my normal BP on 60mg test c weekly (for years) is 115/75 or thereabouts
the one spike I had was in hospital when I was getting my venesection it went up to 144/90 or some shit and I FREAKED out.
It NEVER hit that range again but did remain in the slightly elevated zone sitting between 125/85-133/80 so not massive increases but it piqued my attention- if your going to run this compound I’d recommend an extremely clean diet and plenty of cardio. And buy a BP monitor (I’d like to think you all have one anyway)
In terms of virilisation although I’ve already got it, it didn’t get worse..
I feel it’s important to note that on primo my facial hair grows significantly between am/pm with NPP I almost felt like it slowed down but certainly didn’t increase, my voice didn’t get any deeper either.
The muscle quality and gains are what made it worthwhile they are amazing and keepable weirdly I didn’t notice massive strength gains they were very minor but i grew much faster and the pumps were beautiful you honestly feel so good.
This is a powerful steroid and not one for beginner ped users by any means and my experience doesn’t mean yours will match it likely won’t.
My latest bloods are all perfect
I pushed as high as 80mg weekly split roughly between 3 doses - will I run it again? Absolutely but next time I will go into with a different mindset I’m preparing for my next cycle by incorporating cardio I’m road running 7.6km 3x weekly and doing 30 mins SS inbetween to ensure my heart is as healthy as possible I’m not an expert I just wanted to share my experience