Help or advice appreciated
I lost this goofy guy about 2 years ago he made it to 9yrs old.
He was given to me when he was 1 due to a family that was divorcing and nobody wanted him, so he was sort of bestowed upon me.
How do i go about finding a reputable breeder that doesn't want like 4k for a puppy, it all is very overwhelming.
I have looked into rescues but 1. Saints and Newfies seem rare 2. Most the adds are like this is molly shes 4 needs a 6ft high fence or will otherwise escape, cant be around children or cats etc etc...
I took my guy everywhere, he was my road trip buddy through 18 states.
He was well tempered and trained enough to lay down and stay unless i called him up. You could and leave him at a home depot entrance around christmas to be a big fluffy bernard asking for belly rubs from anyone but he definitely wasn't leaving with anyone but dad.
Looking for another saint or newfie preferably male.
Help is greatly appreciated.