Dear CIG, I absolutely love this game, but...
EDIT: Holy cowabunga dudes. I didn't expect this post to blow up so much. Thank you all for your feedback and opinions on this post.
If I spend 3 hours running bunkers and stock up a ship with a bunch of items just to get a 60k30 error and end up having to claim my ship back and lose it all, I become extremely disheartened to even touch the game for days. Not only do I feel like my time is wasted, but posting anything on the issue council feels pointless.
I genuinely want to be able to sink time into this game without fear of losing valuable time more-so than pixels. This isn't exactly about the items lost, it's more-so about losing it all to a server error/blackscreen/etc with no excuse or way to get it back without sinking MORE time back into getting it all again.
And before I start hearing the negative nancy's come through; YES - I AM AWARE THIS IS AN ALPHA. I EXPECT things to break, bug out, and go horribly wrong at some points. But this... this is just disheartening and makes me feel like i've just wasted time for nothing.
Keep up the good work, CIG. You're doing an amazing job. 4.0+ should yield no more excuses going forward. So let's pull out all the stops and make SC great.