Best way to load bulk modules / food
Hi folks,
yesterday I played for the first time in 3.24. I love the personal hangers! I think I managed to figure out most stuff with the help of youtube and reddit but i have one question left:
Is it possible to put items in containers while still in the station inventory?
Usecase: I bought 200 Cruz Lux and 20 NDB 30 Repeaters on CRU 5 to transport them to Orison. I had brought an empty 2 SCU Container with me in the hope to load the Cruz Lux into. Is there a way to load items, for example the delecious yellow drink directly from the station inventory into this container? Loading 200 items per hand seems a bit tedious.
Similar questions for the modules: I loaded the repeaters into my Cutty Black using the multitool tractor, which tool quite some time. Is there a possibilty to load them into a container etc. to make the transfer easier?