False starts
Edit to add schedule: 2.25/2.5/2.5/3 napping a total of 2.5 hours with about 11 hours night sleep
My babygirl is almost 5 months and we’ve been sleep training since 4 using FIO. I read and have been following PLS plus I joined their fb group (they have been incredibly helpful over there) but the one thing I keep struggling with off and on is false starts. I’ve tried a couple things which work for a couple nights but we always end up back here, and I think the problem now is that I keep feeding her when she has these false starts which has only re-established the nurse to sleep association. 🥲 Last night I tried just letting her CIO back to sleep but it took her 27 minutes, which is longer than it’s ever taken her to fall asleep in the first place, and she just woke up 15 minutes later. To which I went and fed her because it was now after midnight and over 3 hours. I’m worried if I go in and soothe her with feeding her it will only upset her more. Are there any tips to dealing with these false starts?