I’m gonna drop out

I’m in year 13 and sixth form has genuinely been the worst two years of my life

from the first month i knew it wasn’t for me and I’ve never gotten suicidal thoughts until I started in this sixth form.

i fucking regret it and hate that I came here

I wish I was more educated on the importance of post 16 options because these two years were USELESS.

I did a levels I didn’t want to do originally, I wanted to do psychology, economics or a btec in media and didn’t even end up doing that

I just went to this random sixth form in the middle of nowhere like my dad said, he didn’t even want me to go. also I just wanted to be accepted and enrolled into a sixth form because I couldn’t decide at the time like at all.

my mental health has suffered, I can’t attend everyday, im failing all my subjects because I can’t study. I’m just not interested or passionate about the subjects at all. my teachers probably think I’m useless and stupid too.

i don’t know what to do, somebody please help. I just want to leave, i just want to disappear.

im not a lazy person, i just genuinely have no direction or purpose. i have to travel 40 minutes everyday and for what, to attend classes for subjects that aren’t going to get me anywhere? subjects i didn’t even originally want to do.

i should’ve left in year 12 and went to college and did btec or t-levels

if I continue with a levels, it’ll only be because everyone wants me to. i don’t want to continue, I don’t see myself continuing and in life either.

plus we only get three years of funding, if I drop out and go college, it’ll be a waste of two years. I wasted two years going to a random school as an external for NO reason, doing a levels for NO reason. now I’m stuck

I just want to drop out and possibly kms.

im averaging fails in all my subjects and it’s not like my subjects are impossible but they’re just not what I want to do :/ I wanna die so bad

im not intelligent, im not useful for anything, im fucking slow and dumb. i should’ve just went college instead of a sixth form, sixth form fucking sucks. people used to say “sixth form is for serious people” but that couldn’t be further from the truth. im not supposed to be here.

my head of year is probably going to withdraw me from all my subjects and kick me out. rightfully so, that’s the consequences of picking subjects you’re not passionate about or going to do anything with. that’s the consequences of not being smart with your choices

my only realistic option is to either do an access course at college or do an apprenticeship but I don’t even know if I can get one and what to do it in.

I wish at 16 I went on Reddit and asked for advice on all of this so I could be informed better instead of going by what other people say.

it’s not like I don’t want an education but what I’m learning wont do anything for me :/ and I’m going to fail anyway

it’s just been a horrible two years, and I chose for it to be that way but I genuinely didn’t know :/. it got better at the end of year 12 and I was more focused on not getting kicked out than whether this path was truly for me and it’s not. sixth form felt like a game to me. i don’t want to play anymore