warning: i am a minor.

for context this happened yesterday, ive had a few similair experiences and i have been raped before but i dont know where it stands on the sexual assault scale.

yesterday i was lining up to catch a bus, the station is in town centre and it was a lot busier than usual. as i was lining up i felt some hands around my coat pockets and moved forwards because i thought someone was trying to steal from me. this man stumbles forwards as i move and his hands were still on my like hips/waist area. i turned to look at him and he just smiled at me. he did take his hands off but he was standing really close to me, like i could feel him breathing on the back of my neck and my back was basically touching his stomach. i dont know if it was like a sexual assault or if it was just someone being a dick.

i am 15 years old, and i have had a few experiences of guys being like this while on the bus before, even by a bus driver a few month ago making comments and not letting me off the bus.

idk i jusy feel really weird over it all, and it keeps reminding me of when i was raped last year and i just dont feel right.

but was it even sexual assault?