Performing FLSD duties without an FLSD license (Allied Universal)
I've been a allied security officer at a medical facility for a little over 2 years and have been trained to call our fire panel offline during building maintenance despite having no formal fire safety training. I've also been made responsible for delivering building-wide announcements should the fire alarm system be tripped for any reason and have coordinated with our fire alarm company to run our semi-annual fire drills. For a year straight now, management has dangled getting me a Fire Life Safety Director certification but have given me the runaround on it everytime I bring it up. It feels as though those in charge of my site are happy to let me fulfill these duties for free so that brings me to my questions:
Is it legal or breach of contract to have me running fire safety without ANY fire safety certification?
If this is a contract specific ordeal, is it possible for me to review our site's contract so I can invoke it properly and refuse these duties without proper certification?
I've tried speaking to my supervisors and account manager about this, but they all seem content to keep me in the dark and I don't want to escalate without knowing what I could potentially be getting into. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.