How much have I ruined my future
Hey to everyone that has time to read my “sob story” ! I’m a senior at SEBS and a biology major with a 3.3 gpa. I was supposed to graduate in 2023 but in 2022 my aunt who lived in India unexpectedly passed away to COVID, leaving behind her son. Because of this me and my mom had to drop everything and start providing and taking care of him. This left us both in a big hole. In 2023 I just couldn’t keep up. I withdrew from the university. I wouldn’t say I was doing amazing before, I did withdraw from organic chemistry a bunch of times. I also had to keep my job as I had to keep providing for my family, myself, as well as pursue my education which was extremely difficult for me.
I have completed 60 credits at a community college, transferred here and completed 44 credits so far. I only have 16 more credits but the biggest bane of my life has been Organic Chemistry. I have dropped this course FOUR times. Each time with a W. This time after reenrolling back into Rutgers I had the intention of graduating in Spring 2025. and ONLY took Orgo as my 1 course this semester. I was ready and prepared.
During Exam 1 something happened. I circled all the right answers with the intention of double checking and bubbling the answers in at the end. Unfortunately time ran out and I didn’t notice it. One of the proctors was sweet enough to let me bubble my answers in, BUT another proctor who was extremely strict ran up to me and snatched my paper off my hands. Begging and pleading with her did nothing. Emailing my professor and the course coordinator didn’t help. I was confident I would end up with a 65+ (which is on the track to be a B - A ) but I ended up with a 50. I guess this is just me being extremely unlucky yet again, or it was just meant to happen. Maybe it was meant to be.
Anyways I do have a plan, unfortunately that plan includes dropping Orgo yet again, I intend on maintaining my 3.3 gpa, and fully focusing on acquiring back to back internships (an internship is a requirement to graduate as a SEBS student) and going back in the Spring with all the knowledge I have from previous semesters to fully redeem myself and kick Orgo’s butt (try my absolute hardest to get an A). I plan on taking 8 credits in the Spring (Orgo and another science based elective which would replace Orgo 2 because Bio majors do not have to take Orgo 2 anymore, confirmed by my bio advisor), 3 credits would come from the internship. Then in the summer I plan on finishing up with Intro to Biochem, and another course. Ending with the 16 credits I need and by the grace of God hopefully graduating in the summer which would leave me as a 2025 graduate.
My question for y’all after hearing my sob story is: how badly have I ruined my future? My chances of getting into a good Grad school (my gpa is still decent fortunately), Do employers/grad schools care about all these consecutive W’s ? Would my gpa help? Should I drown myself in internships to “balance out the scales”?
I would appreciate any and all advice from you guys. Thank you so so much for reading this if you made it this far! (: