"Exotic" R-Candy mistures?
Everyone knows R-Candy and how its usually glucose or sugar based with KNO3 as an oxidizer, usually in 30-70 (sugar : KNO3) or 40-60, with additional stuff like red iron oxide to make it burn quicker or AP (ammonium perchlorate) to make it burn slower.
But, has anyone ever tried more exotic fuels or mixtures? such as erythritol or erythritol in a mix w/ sugar, or sugar-glucose, glucose-xylose, fructose, just to name a few. Since they got pretty cheap in the past years, maybe they're also better than plain sugar. And while yes, you can use aluminum powder, its not really classic R-Candy (not at all R-Candy actually) and with KNO3 you will also need other stuff like sulfur to lower the ignition temperature and act as a catalyst.
Thanks for any suggestions if you leave some. I will try to hopefully make some of your suggestions or some of my own and post the results.